Animals in our sociaty.

Tja tja!
Idag kommer jag skriva ett inlägg på engelska om lite sammanfattning om djur i vårt sammhälle, hoppas ni gillar det!

Animals in our sociaty is so much more then just cute dogs and sweet cats. Those animals we eat, the cows, pigs and chickens they exist too. They feel too. And in this text i will explain more about this subject.

In our sociaty in sweden its accepted to kill animals for food. The question is then, is that right? Well thats a big question that doesnt have a certain answer, when it is many who has diffrent opinions about that. But in my opinion i think that everyone deserves to know the truth before they choose to eat an animal.
It may look good at the advertising, happy cows on green field with there happy calf beside. Or the cute pigs with there babies in the grass looking happy. Or the chickens on Easter that gives it eggs to us. But this isnt the case. This isnt the truth, this is what those in the meat industry want us to believe and many does.
The truth is small cages, inside the whole year, to many at small places, brutal managed, sick animals left to die with the others, dead bodies in the cages who noone cares to take away and brutaly Slaughter. This is the truth for an animal.

With start with cows. The calfs in the milk industry are taken directly at birth from their mums, and are never aloud to see them again. "Organic" isnt much better, then they may have just 4 days with there mum. In wild life they are with there mothers many mounths more, up to 6 mounth or more. And some cows never get to see the daylights, just when they are going to slaughter.


Its the same for pigs. The most pigs in sweden are inside their whole life just when taken to slaughter they got te see the daylight. And the life they are living is a living hell waiting for die. They live in small boxes, and the stress and the absence of space makes them fight against each other. Tail biting is usual among the pigs.
An investigation that "Djurrattsalliansen" made shows that on to many farms absence of chip bedding to the pigs, is usual. And the same investigation shows horrible pictures of dead pigs left in the boxes among the living who is trampling around about the corpse.


And the chicken meat industry isnt better. A chicken in the industry lives 35 days,- They could live up to many years if they wouldnt be slaughtered, - and the chickens om big farms live far to many in a large local, where the smell after some weeks are that bad that it isnt good for health and workers are told to wear masks. Many chickens die because they cant get to the food and water and are left to die, and are first removed when the others are taken to slaughter.
And transport to slaughter is brutal and horrible. Likewise is the slaughter.

This is just some exampels and it is so much that the most people dont even know.
I think if more people knew what was actually going on, it would make a diffrence. And the argument who says you cant be vegetarian because you dont get the protein, that is not true you can get the protein that you need. I have lived my whole life as a vegetarian, so im a living proof of that.
And if you would change your diet you could be able to help both the nature, animals and even other humans. When it takes a lot of energi and water to produce meat.
Isnt that worth something to think off?